Getting help for health care and well-being after a flare-up
It is not uncommon to feel that you have not fully recovered when you return from hospital following a flare-up. This can be a challenging time of adjustment where disease management routines are often different with some changes meant for short term and others ongoing, experiencing fluctuating symptoms and deciding on the appropriate response, or uncertainty around how much to exert yourself. You might be experiencing more low mood, less motivation, or feel more anxious.
- A follow-up appointment with your GP or lung specialist should be scheduled within 7-days after hospital discharge.
- Speak with your GP or mental health practitioner if your mood or feelings are impacting your sleep or ability to carry out tasks that support your recovery.
- Consider getting peer support to connect with others who can relate to this experience and help you through this challenging recovery time.

Even though access to a healthcare team is not as direct from home compared to when in hospital, it is important to know who and how to access the care and support you need to enable the best possible recovery.
If you are in need of more medical, rehabilitation or support services following a hospital admission, you could contact your admission ward for further help.
You may engage with one or more of these health professionals who are commonly involved in supporting flare-up recovery:
Medical doctors
Respiratory nurse
Social worker / Case manager
In Australia, you may also contact a Respiratory Care Nurse who can provide further advice on the management of your lung condition.